All Possibilities Considered !

                                                                       Have you ever noticed how strange people can be ? Not everyone I need add , but there's a kinda new phenomenon doing the rounds and I am at my wits end just trying to work it all out . Or maybe it's just me , and maybe I am just noticing something that has always been around . It's really beginning to annoy me now , and the people who are doing this seem to be completely oblivious to the fact that they are doing it .
                                                                       Have you noticed when you are trying your best to just relax and have a bit of peace , the phone rings , or the doorbell rings , or someone messages you on some social media ? Everyone just wants to pick your brains . Now normally that is not a problem for me , but lately its happening too bloody often for it to be comfortable conversation .
                                                                       You are probably asking yourself the question , is that all he has to moan about today ? Doesn't he like interaction ? Has he not got better things to be doing with his time than complaining ? And the answer is a big bold yes to all of these questions and observations . But the problem is that I want to become for a while anyway , a soul who will determine everything that is put in front of me .Not to be conflicted . Not to be unsure . To be confident in making and choosing all of the right answers when it comes to a question in hand .
                                                                      I've been arguing with myself recently ,condemning on the one hand the lack of any decent gun control in America . And on the other hand , given the opportunity to take out all political leaders who deprive decent minded people their rights as human beings , I most certainly would . How does any of that make sense ? How can I argue a point , when my reasoning considers violence and vengeance as an answer ? I am beginning to lose faith in so many of my previous held beliefs , that maybe a new chapter and version of me needs to be considered .
                                                                      So while I consider some of my options , I will wish you all a pleasant evening , giving plenty of consideration to your better halves .
                                                    Hugs & Kisses as Always XOX


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