Pissing Against The Wind !

                                                                          Whether its the act of abstinence , or need to be heard , I have found it difficult to write anything that is worth reading . Its not that I don't have enough subjects to comment on . It's more a question of am I really interested enough , to care . From previous blogs , you probably would disagree . Especially when I have aired my views passionately and without remorse or apology . I always felt there was an audience who were like minded and cared as strongly as I did about things . But wanting to effect a change in people's views , is firstly hard to achieve . And secondly can drain your passion when that change seems never closer , and then you feel as if you are pissing against the wind .
Brian and his mate Denis 
                                                                         There are so many hurdles you must manage and cross when you decide to be outspoken . Because the norm has always been exactly just that The Norm . So trying to explain  away something that has been accepted as gospel truth , was never going to be easy .You see people in general hate and fear change of any description .They are comfortable with things being as they have been for years . Just take a little look at the choices of an electorate for one minute and you will see where I am coming from . They have been supporting an institution for many many years because their parents and grandparents before them have supported them . They don't have the courage to alter their view because its completely inherent in them to vote a particular way , isn't it ? So its not just an opinion you are trying to change , its a whole way of life . A way of life that they have relied upon , even if its obviously falling apart right in front of their eyes .They will never see their holy institution as a failure .And will in fact blame everyone and everything , when it is perfectly obvious that something is dreadfully wrong with the running of it .
                                                                       That's just an example of how apathy works . That's just an example of how we are all being roped in , thinking that we have a chance of upsetting the institutional apple cart by demonstrating and showing our anger . Imagine if you will , how a Taoiseach ( Prime Minister ) , during an election campaign can only receive Twenty Five percent of a national vote to be re-elected can still end up being a Taoiseach for another term . Twenty Five Percent ! This is the type of shite we are all up against . This is the type of underhanded politics we have to endure day in and day out . And what makes it worse is that we all sit by and accept it . Jobs for the boys and girls who have supported us through thick and thin . Ex Taoiseach's becoming C.E.O's of oil companies owned by a certain Denis ( The Elusive Pimpernel ) O'Brien .
                                                                      How is it possible to endure and be concerned about this bullshit anymore ? People are dying in hospitals because of their inaction . Innocent people are being murdered on our streets because its more important to be able to balance the books than it is to put a bigger garda presence on the streets . Now the Gardai are threatening industrial action . When The F... is all of this bollox going to end . Its only when it's your child , or your father or mother who has been murdered that you stand up and take notice . Well in my mind , that's simply not good enough .
                                                                      When people stop thinking along the lines of I'm Alright Jack , maybe something will be done . I won't hold my breath waiting . You see people really don't care about each other enough to make that change . People are naturally selfish

, and as long as it doesn't effect them directly or personally , people tend to turn their backs on whats right . We all know how wrong that is , but that is how we all have been programmed . And I don't see it changing anytime soon !


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