
Showing posts from May, 2016

Welcome Puerto Rico !

                                                                    Puerto Rico has just been added to my list of ardent readers . Thank you and welcome Puerto Rico . Feel free to share .                                                                 XOXOX Hugs and Kisses as always . El Yunque Rainforest waterfall !

Normal Service !

                                                                 Normal service will resume after I take a little break . Hugs and kisses to all .                                                                           XOXOX

Poor Dog !

This is the way they found Him !                                                                      This will be a short one and you'll see why when I am finished . It simply has to to do with sexual etiquette and being consensual ..Anyway I will let you judge for yourself how you feel about it . By the way this is A True Story !                                                                      A certain Mr James Hauser from Mesa Arizona was arrested on the 4th May last year charged with Bestiality . It appears Mr. Hauser had arranged to meet a lady of the night , and that he would bring her to a motel seemingly to have intimate r...

She Really Does Have An Opinion !

                                       When it comes to taking responsibility for your own shit , it's generally accepted and a given that we at times,blame everyone but ourselves .And even if we just do it in jest , we are still deflecting responsibility for our own mistakes . I have sometimes been guilty of it , and to be honest I wasn't always as forthcoming with an apology if I fell into that little hole . And yes that's my own fault , or maybe it's just the way it is and therefore is an accepted part of our imperfect make up .                                                                 And I don't know about you , but I'll give you a for instance . Have you ever when having a disagreement or an argument with your bette...

Always an Inevitable Failure !

                     When you ask yourself who the hell got us into this shit in the first place , its kinda difficult to name a name or point a finger at someone or something that you are certain put us in the shit we are in , in the first place . You can blame banks , you can blame institutions , you can blame big business and you'd be right on every one of those selections . Because every one of those selections are embedded in the control that is absolute when you admit to yourself that those two families the   Rothschild's and the Rockefeller's have the type of control that is needed to perpetrate something of this magnitude .                                                                            To understand what they have b...

If Only You Had A Plan !

                                                                       Above all else you must have a plan . Your head has to be filled with good intentions and feelings of self worth . There is no point in asking for help from someone who doesn't understand you , and in many cases can't even be bothered to understand you . You would like to think that there will be a network of support there for you , but alas at the end of the day with hopefully someone pushing you in the right direction , there is only you . There is only what you want to do to help yourself , and trying to take good advice from every spot on the planet is only going to confuse you . You must have a plan , and you are the only one who can execute it .                         ...

Has the World gone Fuc.... Mad or What ?

                                                                     What was once a reason to take pride in oneself , has suddenly and without warning , become a wholesale disgrace to all and sundry . I am sorry to have to inform those people who fit into that category , that they are but a blot on the landscape . And if you think for one tiny minute that you are behaving and looking stylish and cool , well just ask someone for their opinion on how you look , and just see what their reaction will be . It won't be what you expected I can promise you . You just might be a little disappointed in what their opinion says about you . I mean is it not obvious to you that you are beginning to look and behave like your fifteen year old spoiled daughter  ? Before you make an idiot out of yourself , take my advice and ...

Go Get Them Man !

I did say George Clooney / Johnny Depp Look !                                                                       We all had our images to maintain , and it was quite difficult at times keeping in step with current trends and fashions . It was so so difficult making a statement when in your head you were searching for that statement that would define you hopefully for the rest of your life . So when choosing this line of who you were going to be and how you would look , it was never going to be easy , or for that matter it was always going to take some time till you were happy with that person standing in front of the mirror looking back at you . Definitely !                                          ...

We Voted for Change , All we got was More of the Same !

                                                                      After what seemed like an endless time waiting for the formation of a new government , we have finally got what we deserved . I mean the election took place on the 26th February 2016 , and since then there has been so much going back and forth over the same old problems , that today an outline for government has been set in place . Now when I say we got what we deserved , I am being  certainly sarcastic in that respect . Like when you have one elected representative saying , that in his opinion with regard to climate change , he will leave the outcome in God's hands , its gives you an idea about the mentality of some of our elected representatives . I don't really blame them for being so inept , but when this particular person who was elect...

Not Fuc.... Good Enough People !

                                                                      Did you ever get the feeling that you are being ignored ? Have you ever felt that no matter what you do , say , or think , there are stupid fuc.... idiots out there who are so fuc.... inept , brainless , have no idea how to think for themselves that they leave the rest of us so fuc.... frustrated that somebody with very little constraint could possibly do someone else a mischief of sorts as a lesson for their collective stupidity ? I can hear you brother I can hear you all say , yes I know but what the fu.. can we do about it , that's my point ?                                                          ...

Challenge Yourself to Freshen up your Perspective !

                                                                     Have you ever imagined doing something completely different than what you would normally be expected to do ? Like for instance , take everything you would normally do from day to day , and turn it completely upside down . Forget about getting up so early in the morning , and imagine being able to rise whenever you woke up with no questions asked . You only had to look after yourself and no one relied upon you for guidance or their breakfast in the morning . Everything would be done according to your time schedule not somebody else's . That would be really my cup of tea . And maybe even , just as importantly , when you sat down and decided you wanted to watch something on the television , it would always be your choice . No children annoying you t...