
What's In It For Me ?

                                                                         How do you want to be remembered ? Do you want to be remembered as the parent who always felt that nothing was too good for your children ? Do you want to be remembered as the drive and the one who made things work and easy to understand ? When it wasn't very modern or , when it wasn't very fashionable , were you the one who pushed that pram and cleaned those nappies ? Throw all of these things together and you get a collage of what you have created and what you have achieved , probably without any credit , simply because it has always been expected of you .                                                                         You see these are the things you have signed up to , these are the things that make up your duties in life . Sure if you hadn't got all of these things to occupy you , what would you do ? How would you spend all of your free time ? Its not as if there is anything of interest

Simplicity is a Choice ! How do you Choose ?

                                                                   Why when it comes to decisions in peoples lives , do they more often than not choose the more expensive , more complicated , and most stressful decisions ? Why is it that when they apply certain rules and guides to their relationships , they inadvertently work themselves into a corner that is sometimes near impossible to get out of ? They lay down laws and conditions , that are practically impossible to adhere to , and find themselves over complicating matters so much so that they each are practically scared to death to think outside of the box they have created .                                                                   Why do things need to be so complicated ? Where has the , do it as simple as you can theory gone ? We wrap ourselves up in so many conditions and limitations that the real definition of a loving relationship can get totally lost in all of the bullshit . I mean very little time is left to the i

Trying To Repair The Impossible !

                         Sometimes family remind you of who you actually are , and not who you would like to be . And unfortunately if you are a one of those people who would rather not be who you actually are , it is going to be a long long time for you trying to change any of that .                                                                         In every family you have a selection of multiple and quite opposite personalities . And just because you are related doesn't mean that you have anything in common . The age difference can be a cause for this to happen , but most of the time its simply down to simple things like people not having time for one another .                                                                        In that case there is no real reason for anyone to try and change that dynamic . You can if you want to , but most of the time your efforts will be met with the same old response eventually . I have resigned myself to the fact that in most fami

We Always Need Someone To Blame , Don't We ?

                                                                          Its hard to believe how far someone would go in their pursuit of being accepted . Its even harder to believe how desperate people can get when faced with depression or tragedy . These are subjects that are so sensitive and so all consuming that when tragedy strikes , its like some desperate prediction you always expected , but would never dream of speaking about . You just don't talk about these things do you ? You just don't confide in a family member or friend , unless of course you see them as being in some way understanding of such a hard road taken .                                                                          The late Steve Strange of Visage fame , one of the singers in the eighties who could be described as The New Romantic , when describing his type of music was born in Bridgend . Ruth Jones the great comedienne , from Gavin & Stacey fame , and more recently Stella , was born in

We Should Look Inwardly !

                                                                         People throughout the world are still reeling from what happened in Nice recently . It begs belief how someone or some group can try and justify those type of actions in the name of whatever they happen to be believing in or whatever group they represent .                                                                          You go out one evening in Nice where they were celebrating Bastille Day along with your friends and family , never to return . You stand and cheer just like everybody else at all of the festivities , and think to yourself what a lovely way to spend an evening . Then out of nowhere you see this huge truck careering down the street going from side to side hitting men women and children indiscriminately , and you know at that moment , this is it .                                                                          How or why this has happened is irrelevant . The fact of the matter is t

Pissing Against The Wind !

                                                                          Whether its the act of abstinence , or need to be heard , I have found it difficult to write anything that is worth reading . Its not that I don't have enough subjects to comment on . It's more a question of am I really interested enough , to care . From previous blogs , you probably would disagree . Especially when I have aired my views passionately and without remorse or apology . I always felt there was an audience who were like minded and cared as strongly as I did about things . But wanting to effect a change in people's views , is firstly hard to achieve . And secondly can drain your passion when that change seems never closer , and then you feel as if you are pissing against the wind . Brian and his mate Denis                                                                           There are so many hurdles you must manage and cross when you decide to be outspoken . Because the norm has

All Possibilities Considered !

                                                                       Have you ever noticed how strange people can be ? Not everyone I need add , but there's a kinda new phenomenon doing the rounds and I am at my wits end just trying to work it all out . Or maybe it's just me , and maybe I am just noticing something that has always been around . It's really beginning to annoy me now , and the people who are doing this seem to be completely oblivious to the fact that they are doing it .                                                                        Have you noticed when you are trying your best to just relax and have a bit of peace , the phone rings , or the doorbell rings , or someone messages you on some social media ? Everyone just wants to pick your brains . Now normally that is not a problem for me , but lately its happening too bloody often for it to be comfortable conversation .                                                                        You are