
Boise Idaho , Its Worse Than We First Thought !

                                                             Following up on yesterdays revelations , I find it necessary to inform you of the absolutely vile correspondence I have received from some of the residents from Boise Idaho . Not content with the fact that some of their neighbours are involved in lewd acts , it has come to my attention , through a very reliable source that there is an underground movement of sorts in that sordid little town . As I have said on previous occasions , that I am not one to spread rumours of any type , but I found it necessary to share all the facts I gave you last night . And seemingly , the problem and the activity of these individuals is not as sparse as we initially thought . Our group has sent in investigators to try and ascertain exactly how corrupt and lewd these accusations actually are . Needless to say I will keep the membership posted , along with anyone else who may find this sort of thing upsetting .                                  

Our Terms of Membership Have Changed ! Attention Boise Idaho !

                                                                      I've said this more than once , but a lot of people are just ignoring me and its annoying the shit out of me . I have never been of the opinion that the readership of this blog be investigated to prove their competence as decent human beings , or asking them to show  their willingness to be vetted so as not to encourage people of sub human character . But I have to draw the line somewhere . Our group has always been a closed group , and entry as you all know has to be passed and agreed to as candidates and applicants have to go through a gruelling interview process . These are the rules as you all know , and failure to comply with them forfeits your right of passage through this wondrous minefield of exploration and discovery . We have all signed the contracts involved , and up till now there has been no reason to either alter these rules , or change the requirements . Is everybody happy with that ? Good , didn&

The Shackles that Bind !

                                                                       I have a suspicion , that I am not of this world . I've had this feeling for a very long time , and its beginning to get on my tits . You see when you view and dissect things the way I do , normally you would put it down to maybe an over active imagination or some such thing . But in my case an over active imagination is the least of my problems . When you start delving into hidden archives and supposedly sensitive information , there is a tendency to rattle someones sensitivities . It's not something that is done intentionally , but when push comes to shove , there is a need for everyone out there to know and be given information as it surfaces . I think that's a sensible assessment don't you ? I mean where would we all be without a little bit of insight ? By the way the opening lines of this chapter was me probably being a little too dramatic , and so the use of poetic licence was definitely neede

Time to Bring Down The Establishment !

                                                                        What is it about the taking of someone else's life that's acceptable to many human beings ? By that opening statement you would think I would be on the side of , well he must have been sick at the time . He had a terrible upbringing so that in some way excuses him from being treated the same way he treated his victim . Right ? Wrong !                                                                         Then you get to the really heinous crimes against children . By the way the establishment treats these bastards , you would not be wrong in thinking that maybe the establishment is in on the crime in some way . They incarcerate these people for maybe one year or two , and then they are as if by magic , cured of their inability to attack victims so young .                                                                         You have heard and probably read about what they get up to in a lot of pri

You and your Perfect Life !

                                     As we waddle and trudge through our sometimes unhappy existence , let us all take stock of exactly what we are unhappy about . Is it the television that has just broken down ? Is it the trousers and shirt that have shrunk in your wardrobe ? Could it be the children continuously coming home from school telling you that this needs to be paid for or that needs to be paid for ?                                     Is it possibly your inability to see things from a different perspective that makes you want to scream when somebody else offers their opinion ? Is it even that loan you took out so many years ago that simply won't go away , no matter how much you try to rein in your spending ? Oh I know what it must be !                                     It has to be that bastard of a husband or wife who just doesn't appreciate or understand the difficulties in your life alone , that no one else is experiencing . That must be it . I has to be . I

Monsanto needs to be Destroyed !

                                  Why do you think someone would knowingly poison your children and your family ? Why would a group of people in this day and age want to infect the rest of the planet with chemicals and poisons that they have no way of controlling ? Its plainly obvious that certain chemicals are to food , that salt is to an open wound . Painful in the extreme , and certainly disastrous to life on this planet .                                   You have the muslim American President  Barack Hussein Obama sending all sorts of bombs and weapons to Syria under the banner of feeding their starving children . And yet he has the audacity trying to justify the ongoing existence of Monsanto . He promotes Monsanto , his government supports them , and the Christian Zionists give so much creed to them also .                                                                 It has been well documented that Monsanto produce poison and they shamelessly distribute it in many shap

Hating Everything That Resembles A Lie !

                                                                     From time to time you get to wondering , just what is your function here on this little planet of ours . What is the reason for your existence ? And how come things that effect somebody maybe in the Southern hemisphere , has no effect on us here in the Northern hemisphere . When I think and consider what's happening in the world , just like you all , the only way you can digest the information is through some sort of media outlet e.g Television , radio , or probably the most obvious the internet .                                                                     Everything that is sent across these media channels can be proved or disproved , depending on the information to hand . Though there was a time , and not so long ago I need add , that trying to reach a truth was a pretty impossible task , with no one to confirm or deny these stories , which meant we all had to depend on a news service that was very eco