
Situations Vacant ! Part 2

                                                                     Well if thats what he  was going to be , thats what he was going to be ! Who was he to mess with his fate , he was goin to roll with it . So he arrived in Paris , was collected by Fatima who was from Ceylon ( now Sri Lanka ) , and Jean Claude who was French .It was good to hear them speak English , as toying with the French language was going to be a little difficult . What had he gotten himself into ? Though to be honest it was just one of many situations he got himself into and it sure as hell wouldn't be the last .                                                                       The fact that he was alone scared him , the fact that he overplayed having a good hand on the French language scared him even more ! But , he had nerve , he had priorities , he had commitment , though really he was full of shit !                                                                       Got to the hotel , checked in ,

Dictators of Industry !

                                                               Thank you so much , its good to see Corporate Asset-Holes had an audience ! I do believe that as much of the information given , is as accurate as it can be in this misleading age of corruption . There is so much disinformation out there , that its kinda hard to see the forest for the trees . But if you have the time , and I promise you wont be disappointed , please seek out the organisation known as THRIVE ! Its an amazing honest , and informative group of people who bring truth to a very murky river of information . It will explain how we have arrived where we are , and how huge corporations , headed by the richest people in the world have brought us to our knees with their policies . How the second world war was funded by these same people , and the gulf war , and every other war . You see these people don't choose sides to back , they back everybody , there's so much money in arms , and the sale of them . They d

Corporate Asset-Holes !

                                                             I have been getting up to date with all the news and information around the globe . I have just finished watching the new THRIVE video , and been reading about the Russell Brands interviews . There's so much to tell , don't really know where to start . But the most important thing is the sharing and passing on of information , something to which hasn't happened heretofore . Well we're just going to change that , and will continue . You are this planets most important assets , not these corporate asset-holes ( get it ? ) , now that was good , don't ask me where these revelations come from but they continue to come . Lets begin !                                                             I was amazed by the way Russell Brand handled the interviewer when asked about whether he trusted the American government and the information they throw out all the time . His response was , Its very difficult to trust a g

A Day In The Life !

                                                            I have started working on situations vacant part 2 , but its not yet ready so you will have to bear with me it needs editing !                                                             Whats the most important part of your day ? What is it that gets you going in the morning ? Is it the need to feel wanted ? Is it an economical answer , or is there some other force thats driving you on ? And if there is , what is it ?                                                             For me personally , it was always the need to provide , that my wife and children were as comfortable and happy as I could make it . The idea of selflessness never entered my mind , it after much discussion with myself , was just there . I believe every good parent has these features in their make up , but probably never confronts them . As I have learned its just a given , never questioned never requiring answers .                                  

Situations Vacant ! Part 1

                                                                 Once upon a time , along time ago , there was this unemployed guy who at 19 years had his fill of working at home . His close friends had been forever saying that they were thinking of moving away to see the world . Now this young man had just buried his father , and so he was a bit lost at the time . And so having ignored his friends promises once again , he set his mind on going away alone . His first port of call was finding work abroad somewhere , so he bought every newspaper that had a situations vacant column in it , and he perused every one of them , in the end coming across what looked like a possibility .                                                                  Young man wanted , to work in France on a contract for 4 weeks minimum , selling literature to the French housewives door to door .  Sounded good to him . He went for the interview , impressed the interviewers with his little command of the French

Biblical & Epic !

                                                              The forecasters have just warned us about Biblical rain to fall between 6pm and midnight ! I don't know why I'm sitting here blogging , I should be outside building an Ark , or just maybe its a little late for that . Where in the name of God , are they getting their descriptions ? Two weeks ago it was going to be Epic downpours , and now Biblical ! I think someone is trying to tell us something . Better take heed though  , sometimes these things have a habit of being correct !

Hand to Mouth !

                                                                  I am getting wore out with all this negative energy going round . Its safe to say so is everyone else . Its not easy for people having worked their asses off throughout their working lives , for it to come to this . Jobs are getting fewer , everyone's emigrating , and the crime rate is soaring through the roof .  In previous years you could in some way plan for the future , because you had one . Nowadays the majority of people are living hand to mouth . The governments are taxing us so high that the only way for some of us to pay these taxes is to get a loan . Now governments are trying to get your payments of said taxes through your bank details , revenue has also been mentioned as a way of making sure there are no defaulters . Whats worse is most of the people trying to get us to enforce these draconian laws are big business corporations . Forget about governments being the brains for these humiliating taxes , as w