

                                                                    This is one of those times where you feel you have to say something , you know ? Where you feel that someone or some group of people are being totally misrepresented by all and Sundry . Though to be honest it's not very surprising when you consider who are behind it .                                                                      All news is is controlled by big media corporations , for their benefit and for the benefit of all who support them . Which brings me along to the purpose of this piece .                                                                     This morning I was reading the news , and was struck right away by the sheer hypocrisy of politicians and their collective governments . After being continually terrorised by Jewish settlers and their army , on their own land I need add . The Palestinians have said they have had enough and have retaliated in the only way they know how by attacking t

I am Anti Jewish Stealing of Palestinian Land !

                                                                          Don't you hate having to repeat yourself , and just because people are too stupid to pick up on what happens to be the truth ? These people pretend to know what the truth is , because its their version of the truth . And their version of the truth may not be yours . So with that in mind I have a little story to tell . And from the outset I want to declare that I am not Anti semitic , never have been never will be . But as always with regard to the same , I do have my limitations , and I dare anyone who wants to test them out  . Anyway..........................                                                                          While going through my in-box on one particular social media platform , I happened to agree with someone who happened to have some sympathy with the plight of the Palestinian people . It was nothing too heavy , just the usual banter , and cross messaging on how these poor people

Just Think of Hans Christian Andersen !

                                  Have you ever questioned your belief in any of the things that have been laid upon you since the moment you were born ? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live your life minus all of those stigmas that are eating away at you ? You know the ones , my ass is too big because a certain skinny bitch in a certain health magazine says so . My hair colour should be a balayage instead of these boring highlights that everyone has .                                   And here's the big one . Have you ever questioned your belief in God and the idea of everlasting life , so much so , that it is eating away at you for even considering such a thing ? I mean its not as if anyone can prove definitively that you were wrong for questioning your faith can they ? There is no video evidence available to prove or disprove that theory  is there  ? But what there definitely is , is the feeling of you wanting for there to be someone , or something that you c

Special !

                                                    He runs about oblivious to his surroundings . The green field is his playroom , and he uses the landscape for his own beautiful expression . He flaps his imaginary wings and wonders at the beautiful sky above and wind that gives him a reason to attempt to fly . He understands he will never fly the way he wants to , but it doesn't stop him from trying . He's a wonder to us all , and he fits perfectly into his own routine . He looks in astonishment at the colours of the rainbow , and marvels at the rain . He will mannerly say hello to the day , and you , and you will be only too happy to embrace his innocence and wisdom .                                                   He will never lie to extract something for gain , he is too honest for such an emotion . He will look you straight in the eye and convince you of his normality , because knowing him is to be part of his normality . He wants to do everything that a normal child

The Bishops of Business !

                                                                      I just had this epiphany , what if all the things we thought were normal , were in fact someone elses version of normal ? Imagine being fed everything you have always accepted as the way things should be , were in fact fed to you and your ancestors to distract you from the real truth .                                                                      Firstly you have to understand that human nature is by tradition and practice a selfish nature . It is based solely on a capitalist system , that tells you to conform , to bow down to that same system that has been built to keep you incarcerated and imprisoned . Human nature has always been about money and the control of it . Just look at the facts . ONE PERCENT of the population of the world controls the other 99% , Fact .                                                                     So with this information to hand , lets just examine one or two things shal

Something Smells Decidedly Dodgy !

                                                                               If it looks dodgy don't eat it ! And if it Smells dodgy give it the widest berth humanly possible . Now the word dodgy can apply to almost anything when describing something . But the one thing that you know for certain when the word dodgy is used , is that it is always a negative . It's something to be wary of . Avoided at all costs even . And the feeling of dodginess doesn't need explanation , doesn't need understanding , just a personal sense deep down that one should always proceed with caution .                                                                                Jesus man , the wheels on that piece of shit look decidedly dodgy . After spending maybe an hour cooking something you've been gummin for , for a long time , you sniff the result and something smells ? Ah the word is dodgy !                                                                               Now if Like m

Think of Me as I think of You !

                                                                        This morning I got up early , 7.30 a.m early . I had to get my wife to the airport so she could connect with her flight to London . I suppose you are all saying to yourselves "Early , 7.30 is not early . Now 6 a.m is Early . But what you have to consider is what might be agreeably early to you , may not and most probably won't be agreeably early to us . Its all a matter of what stage of your lives you may be at . And thankfully I am here , and you are over there . You see as long as I could remember , I always used to say to myself , if given the opportunity to walk away from work and the early mornings that it used to entail , I promised myself and my wife that that is exactly what I would do , given the right set of circumstances                                                                Now how do you decide what the right set of circumstances are ? Do you wake up one morning and a little voice