I am Anti Jewish Stealing of Palestinian Land !

                                                                          Don't you hate having to repeat yourself , and just because people are too stupid to pick up on what happens to be the truth ? These people pretend to know what the truth is , because its their version of the truth . And their version of the truth may not be yours . So with that in mind I have a little story to tell . And from the outset I want to declare that I am not Anti semitic , never have been never will be . But as always with regard to the same , I do have my limitations , and I dare anyone who wants to test them out  . Anyway..........................
                                                                         While going through my in-box on one particular social media platform , I happened to agree with someone who happened to have some sympathy with the plight of the Palestinian people . It was nothing too heavy , just the usual banter , and cross messaging on how these poor people are having a really bad time of it . When these two other people , who just happened to be Jewish , decided they wanted to get involved in the conversation . At first I read their comments , and to be honest I was totally disgusted by their attitude . They both went on and on about how right it was and still is that The State of Israel continue to deprive Palestinians of water , and other important amenities , as well as carrying on with the Genocide of Palestine . They went as far as to say that they deserved their lot . Because they argued what if nothing have the Palestinians ever contributed to society . Now that was it , red rag BULL , does that explain and give you a clue as to my demeanour after listening to such bullshit ?
                                                                        I wont go in to the whys , hows , and therefore's , suffice to say I argued them off the platform . What I really don't understand is why These people always feel the need to justify their Country's actions with regard to Palestine . Or more importantly , how can they try and justify their countries actions . They are systematically wiping any trace of these people off the face of the planet . They have made refugees of the Palestinians in their own country .
                                                                      It sickens me to think , that what started out as a rescue mission for the surviving Jews in Germany after the 2nd World war , has turned into another Genocide at the hands of the people who were rescued . How ironic is that ? How twisted and immoral is that ? Wouldn't you think if you had any thought or self respect , that to inflict upon someone else , exactly what was inflicted upon you , should be wrong ? If it was immoral , savage , and murderous when it happened to you , then its immoral , savage and murderous what the Jewish people in Israel are doing to the people whose land and privileges they have plundered . I am not anti semitic , I am anti Jewish oppression . I am anti Jewish robbing of Palestinian land . I think that's fair enough , don't you ?



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