Special !

                                                    He runs about oblivious to his surroundings . The green field is his playroom , and he uses the landscape for his own beautiful expression . He flaps his imaginary wings and wonders at the beautiful sky above and wind that gives him a reason to attempt to fly . He understands he will never fly the way he wants to , but it doesn't stop him from trying . He's a wonder to us all , and he fits perfectly into his own routine . He looks in astonishment at the colours of the rainbow , and marvels at the rain . He will mannerly say hello to the day , and you , and you will be only too happy to embrace his innocence and wisdom .
                                                  He will never lie to extract something for gain , he is too honest for such an emotion . He will look you straight in the eye and convince you of his normality , because knowing him is to be part of his normality . He wants to do everything that a normal child wants to do , but there are limitations on his responsibility towards himself . He wants and needs the colour of sunshine in his life , and anything that gives him this , you are only too happy to provide . You understand the simplicity of his wants and needs , and you also understand the frustrations in him trying to explain them to you . You get excited when he gets excited , this is how it is when communication is needed .
                                                 He is different , yet he is normal , and you act out this normality in so many different ways . Ways that convey to him , that its alright to behave a little dramatically from time to time . That its alright to have a little meltdown when and if that's whats required . He can never express his true emotions , and that does frustrate him . But there is enough emotion surrounding him , from his father to his mother , from his brothers to his sister , to wash away any feelings of frustration he may experience . This is his true personal world , a world of love , patience and more importantly honest understanding .He will always receive this protection and support . No need to demand it , he will always be the exception to the rule .
                                               You have astounded me . you have opened my eyes to your special brand of excitement . You have made me and my wife a lot wiser and made me interested in what you are all about . You made us a pot stand with your own two hands , which stands pride of place in our kitchen . You have become a special friend to us , and SPECIAL  being the operative word .


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