
Never in a Month of Sundays !

                                                                       You're an American ( Lets Pretend ) , and you've received your Jury Duty papers , with a possibility that you Might be even chosen . You want to do your duty and be part of the democratic system of law . You are being honoured by a system dating back generations and you are confident you will do this to the best of your ability .                                                                         After many an interview to ascertain your suitability , you've been chosen . You are asked to attend on a particular date , and have no knowledge about the details of...

Fabio D'Andrea - Love Should Not Hurt: featuring Mel B (A flat minor) [O...


We Are Sinking !

                                                            There's a real strangeness afoot at the moment . It's been like that for quite a while ! Can't you feel it ? Can you not sense a shift in our version of normal ? I'm kinda feeling like this since the pandemic , and its a bit disconcerting ! I mean , I have always exercised my opinion on various things that needed commenting on . For example climate , war , bullying , the human race etc. etc. and up to now that has been the means to a hopeful outcome . But the goal posts have shifted ! The way to get things done has changed . It seems to me that the middle ground , or grey areas in life are no longer there ! I have thought deeply about this , and I keep returning the same feelings and answers that led me to question everything in the first place . It's like thinking and walking in ...

The Illusion of Success !

                                                                     We are to one another like stars in the sky . We twinkle when excited , and we grow dull as we encounter unhappiness . This is the order of things , this is how we live and grow through prosperity and that all consuming experience , poverty . We are not all born for greatness , or success , in fact the majority of us all will at some stage in our lives encounter need and unhappiness , and we will fail continuously . Not to be mistaken for something that might resemble disaster , these are the things we all grow used to , and continuously try to prevent , by our wanting for something better , something more substantial , a little comfort maybe .                             ...

More Aliens !

                                                                 Before you decide to read this piece , I must warn you in advance , That it will Shock , It will Provoke , It will Frighten , But most Importantly It Will Make You and the Rest of Mankind  re-think about what it is That Haunts us All at this stage of our Humanity ! Going Forward You Have Been Warned !                                                                  Since as long as I can remember , I've been of the idea that the usual bullshit churned out by governments , soothsayers , Alarmists and the fucked up media in general , is there to question . It is there to rebel against ! It is sim...

Another Slaughter of Innocents !

                                                            It's been a while ! But over the last few days I've been screaming inside !                                                              As we have seen from the media and their outlets , Slaughter has once again reared it's ugly and too predictable head , leaving 19 Children and Two Adult teachers Dead ! Innocents All , taken because the Terrorist State known as America has once again abandoned Decency , Has Denied children the prospect of  a full life , and in the face of Public Scrutiny has failed to Protect its most Vulnerable .                          ...

War is Evil ! Only The Innocent Perish !

                                                                           War is Evil ! There are no words shocking enough to describe War ! Many millions of people have died in War fighting for what their collective leaders have justified as the only way to get what they want . Do we believe for one minute , that the rhetoric we hear from Presidents , Kings , Sheikhs and all sorts of despotic leaders is a justifiable reason to destroy peoples lives ? Well I suppose that depends on the individual , doesn't it ? Families can and do be divided on what and who they believe in . That's what you get when someone , has a choice and invariably chooses to exercise their right to use it ! Freedom of speech , freedom of thought , freedom to engage in whatever Ism or belief you have  made yourself open to...