The Illusion of Success !

                                                                     We are to one another like stars in the sky . We twinkle when excited , and we grow dull as we encounter unhappiness . This is the order of things , this is how we live and grow through prosperity and that all consuming experience , poverty . We are not all born for greatness , or success , in fact the majority of us all will at some stage in our lives encounter need and unhappiness , and we will fail continuously . Not to be mistaken for something that might resemble disaster , these are the things we all grow used to , and continuously try to prevent , by our wanting for something better , something more substantial , a little comfort maybe .
                                                                     We will stop at nothing in our pursuit of making things better . We will mortgage our lives for a chance to give our children that sacred opportunity that we never had . We will persist , we will forge our way forward , and nobody or anything is going to step in our way . You would like to think that life is as easy as that . That when you put in enough hours , and you are available 365 days a year , that at the end of it all there will be some sort of silver lining . But what if there is no silver lining to look forward to , what if there is no challenge out there for you to tackle ? What if we are all being fed the illusion of prosperity , the illusion of being a success . What if there is no end to it all , and we are merely pissing against the wind .
                                                                     I have often had that experience , probably like yourselves , no matter how hard you try , getting and making progress is just not happening for you , pissing against the wind . I mean there is no manual on how to be you . The only manual about that will be in your head , and of course that manual will and does change from day to day depending on your mood or your aspirations at any given time .So just wanting to be successful is certainly not a given , its certainly not a precursor to mastering the elements and your own tidy world . In my mind , success and the need for it is based solely on luck . Being in the right place at the right time . Having the capabilities that you would expect success from , doesn't always do it . Being the best at what you do sometimes is just not going to get you where you want to go , in fact sometimes it can be a definite hindrance , because of your expectancy .
                                                                     So the next time you don't get that promotion , don't wallow too long thinking about it . When that fence falls down for the umpteenth time , pick yourself up and try it from a different angle . We are all resourceful in one shape or form

. We are not designed with failure as a continuous result , giving us no other option but to give in . We were made and taught to learn from our collective mistakes . And the only mistake that is unforgivable and unacceptable , is you wanting and accepting less than you were destined to ! Always in my Opinion . 


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