Time to Inhale Deeply ! Minutiae !

                                                                        If someone clutches at straws , perhaps that is all they have to hold on to . If someone never sees the light in an angel's eyes , perhaps they were never really looking that well anyway . When someone has dreamed endlessly about escaping something that can only be described as a living nightmare , perhaps that nightmare is actually their truest reality . All of these situations , be they real or just a figment of my imagination , or someone else's, can be a perfectly normal existence for the people involved . Perhaps even created by themselves without their knowledge or consent , and accepted as their own version of some sort of psychotic normality .
                                                                       Its wasted on me how this sort of thing can actually happen . Be it a long lost memory of childhood that haunts someone . No matter the reason or excuse , for some this is an every day occurrence from the light that shines at the first light of day , till the closing of those curtains and eyes ,when all they want to do is escape to a dream filled alternate reality . Anything but what they have just escaped from will do . The dreams don't even have to be happy or comforting . Just some place that will never remind them of what and where they have just escaped from .

                                                                      These words of mine can at times seem to be from some personal experience I might have had . I can assure you , that as deep and as thoughtful as I have always been , personal experience would never be where they have come from .
                                                                      You see I don't know about you , but time after time after having encountered a stranger maybe , and may I say from a discrete distance , I have in my own way examined a look in their faces . A movement in their eyes maybe . Their stance and their demeanour , their overall display of themselves to the universe . You can learn an awful lot about someone that way , without even a word being spoken . You see we are all so transparent . We give off this appearance of being in control . We give off this glow of self confidence , when actually inside we are screaming , not just for acceptance , but also for the right to just be ourselves . Not what someone else expects and needs you to be , but someone who is relaxed in their own skin and not afraid to be something quite extraordinary .
                                                                     We all have that ability , but alas we never really exercise ourselves that way . We are quite content , even if at times its really uncomfortable , to be just who we are expected to be and nothing else . Being extraordinary and wonderful sounds like too much hard work . In your mind you say to yourself , by trying to be that somebody extraordinary , I will only be an object of somebody else's derision and therefore will never expose myself possibly to that sort of character assault or criticism .
                                                                     So being as it is close to the start of a new year , and seeing as you will all probably break your always unattainable new years resolutions , lets just start this year , for once being and acting who we really are . Not what others expect us to be , always denying ourselves that piece of chocolate called individuality . Blow out your lungs full of others expectancy . And inhale deeply with the power of your own individuality .
                                                                  Hugs & Kisses for the New Year xoxox  


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