Happiest of New Years Everybody !

                                                                    In the huge scheme of things we live our lives in a way that has been somehow mapped out for us .  We wake every day and do the things that are expected to be done by others , but mostly by ourselves . Most of the time we are pleased by our efforts , and sometimes we just let ourselves down . And that's okay too , because we're not as perfect as we would like to be , or as others might expect us to be . We are as good as we want ourselves to be , or as we hope ourselves to be .
                                                                   Now at this time of year I tend to get a little sentimental about stuff . You know what I'm talking about ? Family , the future , the dog and I suppose a little about our own mortality . The rest of the year seemingly it simply doesn't seem to matter . Christmas and even more importantly the change over from one year to another is so deep in our character and even deeper in our thoughts that at times we just block out how we are really truly feeling . What's worse is that no matter how good or bad things get during the festive period , we simply cannot face the truth of the situation , that things have to drastically change .
                                                                   We are so good at putting things on the back burner , cancelling things that need doing . Talks that need to be had . Confrontations that will definitely be made , and so on and so on . This coming year if you do just one thing , try and forgive everybody who really needs to be forgiven . Love everybody with all of your heart who is deserving of your love
And try and be patient with those who from time to time do your head in . Sometimes they just don't realise what a pain in the tits they actually are .

                                                                   Because 2020 was one Bastard of a year , that no one needs reminding of , and because celebrations will probably be a little bit Muted , turning 2021 into something hopeful is gonna take a lot of doing . So knowing how the Irish can turn the other cheek , and always seem to be able to see the positives where there really aren't any , Maybe it won't be as bad after all ! 
                                                                   Never wanting to end a year on a bummer , I told my two granddaughters a story the other night about two badgers named Billy and Bobby . Now these two badgers were very special , they just happened to be cannibals ( A long Story ) . And because of their cannibalism they had two detectives on their tails trying to catch them . One was called Sally the Sloth ( pronounced slot ) , and Terry the Taz (obviously a Tasmanian Devil ) who just happened to be lovers . . I won't go into the details of the story as it was a private conversation between me and them , suffice to say poor Sally and Taz came to an horrific end . Not being a tale of naked savagery , the girls enjoyed their story immensely .In fact both fell out of the bed laughing . Now that's how you want your children , or in this case grandchildren to go to sleep . Sounds good to me .
                                                                  So tomorrow night on the stroke of twelve o clock , spare a thought for Sally & Taz , two lovers who could never divulge their secret , and wish and welcome in the New Year with as much fluster and grace as you possibly can manage . Be good to one another , and mean it when you say HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY ( Even to Billy & Bobby the Cannibalistic Badgers ).


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