An Adventure in Parenting !

                                                                           I've been pretty quiet of late , and that was really a personal choice . Sometimes you just get tired having an opinion , especially when so many things surrounding that opinion can be misconstrued , or just suited to someone else's agenda .And these personal agenda's are not exactly healthy or good for you .
                                                                          I try to be as honest as possible , just so that some things are not misunderstood . But as much as I try , a lot of things that should be easy to understand are completely lost in translation . Now I know that's not my fault , because the truth will always be nothing more than that , the whole truth and nothing but the truth .
                                                                          Has someone died ? Has someone been forced to accept things that they normally would handle so easily ? No I don't think so . Does it mean your life should be centered on one particular issue that always seems to be drowning you ? Have people not got better things to be concentrating on ? For example all of the positive things in their lives . Their children , and the happiness they can bring . Oh and by the way all of the bad as well . Because be under no illusion , nobody is immune to the shit that they can cause .
                                                                         I as a parent have not been immune to it either . But these are the responsibilities we take on board as adults , hoping that in later life we can all relax and enjoy what we have created and what can makes us proud .We all make mistakes , I was never one to give up on anybody or anything . And to this day I remain the same , sometimes not always with the support or agreement of those you love the most . But they have their own agenda's , and just like them I have mine .
                                                                        By concentrating on one issue in your life , it kinda takes the attention away from the things and people who are unfortunately ignored . And be under no illusion , they tend to notice and remember these things .Trying to be positive isn't always as easy as it is sometimes made out to be . Being positive and trying to maintain that state , can be really hard work . But it sure beats being down that bottomless pit , that to be honest at times feels like it has no way out or escape . From experience , I know what that's like .
                                                                       So tell me people out there , what are we all supposed to do ? Are we all supposed to support being negative ? Are we all supposed to live the rest of our lives in a place where nothing is ever going to be right ? Are we all going to let the misery of negativity destroy all of our lives ? The simple answer to that is , NO WE ARE NOT . We deserve more . We deserve to be able to go to sleep at night happy in the knowledge that everyone is tucked away safe and sound . Ready to face another day called an adventure in parenting ( if you are lucky ). This is whats important . This is whats real . You just don't give up on yourself and all of the good things you have brought to people's lives . You continue on , planning the next adventure , for yourself and for others if they are fortunate to have you as a parent or partner . The one thing you never do is give up . Too many people depend on you for love and support . Just think if you were gone , where would all of this support and love come from ? All you would be creating is another cycle of misery and negativity .
                                                                      From now on , I have decided to adopt a new chapter in my life . I have decided to ignore all of those negative waves . I don't like them , I don't want them . They make me unhappy . Negativity is a contagious disease . It infects everyone it comes into contact with . As I have asked earlier , has someone died ? Have you lost your legs ? Have you lost your freedom to change and feel good about yourself . Have the things and people you have in your life stopped being important ? NO NO NO NO NO is the repetative

answer to all of these questions . All you really have to do is believe it !


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