
Showing posts from September, 2014

Its Quite Amazing !

                                                                          Its going to be difficult to say goodbye to the summer , its such a lively season . Autumn is the dying season , when all your efforts over the previous three months are slowly beginning to fade . Then winter , the dead and cold Season , everything sleeps during this period , its hard to believe anything good will happen as a result . But then Spring raises its beautiful head , and we nurture all the babies in our garden , we make sure no frost hurts their beautiful progress , its quite amazing !

Understanding my Limitations !

                                                              My wife says I don't listen , I do listen its just sometimes it goes over my head ! Never intentional , I always give her my undivided attention , its just how it is you know ? Its so easy when you're married to the most wonderful woman in the world , she'll be so embarrassed when she reads this !                                                              Never one to hide from the things that matter , never one to not give the support I need from time to time , and always understanding of my limitations . She's pretty ok my wife !

Note to Oneself !

                                                                 Good Wednesday to all ! Isn't it just amazing to be alive ? The tablets are working fine today , touch wood there's a long way to go ! You just do your best and well lets just say thats how to handle everything .Note to oneself , stop writing shit and get on with it .

Once so Cosmopolitan !

                                                                  Some friends of mine have just returned from Istanbul on holiday . Having been there many times before they would be in a good position to notice changes in lifestyle mannerisms , and general appearance . What they told me surprised me , seemingly the amount of women wearing Burka's has increased dramatically . With the influx of Syrian refugees it makes things that much more dramatic . A place once so cosmopolitan , is quickly changing into something quite frightening . So much so , these friends of mine have vowed to give Istanbul a miss in the future . I was actually planning to go there for my 40th wedding anniversary with these friends , but on very good advice I think we will just have to change our plans !

No Omissions , No Additions !

                                                            While on holiday , my wife & I  as usual went to our watering hole at the end of an evening . Innocent you may think , and as far as I was concerned thats what I expected , a couple of brandies and then on your way .                                                             We were speaking to an English  friend we had met years ago and thought we had a fair understanding of his personality . Not so !                                                             Another ...

Advertising Leeches !

                                                         Ever wondered where all your spam advertising comes from ? Well it comes from companies who infiltrate your accounts on line , and send you advertising to whom they represent . These are designed to read your activity and send you appropriate / inappropriate messages and advertising . Is there a way to control them I hear you ask ? Well in fact there is a way !                                                          Google opt-out in your browser , and you will see a company named N.A.I. National Advertising Initiative , Follow the instructions and you will see how many companies are studying your on line behaviour .  You will be very surp...

Mischief or Malice ?

                                                               Just had a minute to spare and thought I might share it with you . We have become so intimate lately , I feel I am opening up to an imaginary audience .  You are so thick skinned , I never thought that we could become so close , and yet here I am and there you are ! You surprise me at times , when I delve into my innermost thoughts , you are there listening , never judging and always comfortable with whatever mischief or malice I may dream up . Thank you , you are an extraordinary pupil , can I call you a pupil ? I just hope that in some way my attraction to you is not misplaced , for there may come a day when I may dissolve our arrangement , through no fault of my own as I see it , this is just the way it has to be ! I truly hope you understand !

The Wolf That Needs Feeding The Most !

                                                                      A native American boy and his father went out into the countryside to get in touch with nature , knowing how spiritual American Indians are ! They played , they talked , they enjoyed each others uninterrupted company .                                                                       In the evening they made their fire , and cooked some food enjoying the freedom of the open spaces . The father , as all fathers was very protective of his son , and was forever passing on stories of the old world with all their hidden meanings and traditions . This evening was going to be ...

Unrecognizable Friends !

                                                            Ok , sit down , put your feet up and relax . This is the end of something ................well that has been coming for a long time . You'll probably feel that you have experienced the same at one stage or another ! You know that feeling when everything is right there in front of you and yet you won't or can't accept the inevitable . You hope that things will improve , but they never do , and so you fool yourself into a false sense of security none the less .                                                             When I use the word we , it normally , in fact , always means my wife & I . We have made friends throughout our ...

Have you ever been doodled ?

                                                           Please forgive my absence , I have been resting my weary head in sunnier climates due to a lack of warmth at home ! My wife and I went to Turkey , and yes we had a wonderful time . We caught up with friends , we dined , we swam , we drank Turkish brandy , not to be laughed at , but ultimately we enjoyed ourselves .                                                            So if you missed my doodling , I AM BACK , and you are going to be doodled like you've never been doodled before !

This is not who you are !

                                                            Sometimes in life our happiness is questioned by the actions of others .Sometimes we just cave in to outside influences ,and we lose ourselves in our own self doubt !We even blame others for our unfortunate situation ,when what it all boils down to is our ability to handle pressure .Pressure and stress is a bitch ,it accounts for more breakdowns than anything else . Admitting to failure is not a weakness as you would be led to believe ,but in fact it makes you human .It makes you wanna put right the things that have you thinking that way .                                                             No one person or thing should dict...

Understanding Implicitely !

              Just sitting in my car waiting for my wife who likes to shop , now there' s a surprise ! And so subsequently we are not available of you are trying to contact us . I told her we were going to be inundated with calls and messages and that we should always make ourselves easily available , it was lost on her , more important things at hand !I understood implicitly .

Fake Mobile Towers

                                                                   Just read a report from America about the finding of Fake Mobile Towers close to military bases . No one is claiming ownership , no one it seems wants to let the rest us know just W T F is going on . Methinks just another one of Americas spying campaigns !

May you rot in Hell !

                                                         So now they have released the parents of the child with the brain tumor , who "KIDNAPPED" him to get him better treatment in Prague . Well done the social services , well done all you concerned specialists who wouldn't or couldn't give him the treatment , or even refer him so he could get this treatment . And now with the apparent outcry from the public and the media , you give them back their liberty that was stolen from them , and the anguish you caused as a result of said behavior. You blind blind sheep , you spend resources on tracking them down , when it was obvious to everyone what they were doing EXCEPT YOU BASTARDS ! They were trying to save their childs life , something you TWATS were failing to do . You should be ashamed of yourselves and resign your posts immediately .   ...

Respecting Yourselves

                                            I just read a twitter by Rashida Jones in relation to the nude pictures stolen from celebrities . She asks people not to perpetuate the theft by looking at them or by downloading them , and fair play to her . I agree wholeheartedly with her plea . She is to be commended !                                            Is it me , or have I been missing out on something , and have I neglected my wife by not taking nude pictures of her , or during the sex act recorded  it for posterity on disc or video tape ?I have just apologized to my wife this minute , and begged her forgiveness for not asking her to perform in this 21st century trend . She has just accepted my apology .               ...


                                                        Whats the point in wasting your energy on the negative ? Or having nightmares about how you wanna look , a size Zero maybe . And whats the answer to our existence , and where have we come from ? These are questions you ask throughout your life , and the honest answer is who the f... knows , and am I really bothered ? These are trends and fears the media pile out all the time to terrorize and pull you round to their way of thinking . Be careful out there its a jungle ! Yeah we know its a jungle , so what should we do to protect ourselves , you might ask ?                                                        A wise man once said , that being angry with som...

Viva La Revolution !

                                                                 Just watched a video with Russel Brand , about FOX NEWS in the states and their coverage of the riots in Ferguson ! Russel you are doin a great job , these people need exposing , Rupert Murdoch needs exposing , and you're dead right when you say the" ESTABLISHMENT" are getting scared . They need to be scared , their is Anarchy afoot , and as with all revolutions it is not going to be pretty . I hope that with all the character assassination you have endured , about your private life and your substance abuse , it does not alter your path . I don't know where its going , but be assured there are millions of people out there just like me who support your voice and your opinions .

Direction , Direction , Direction !

                                                         Children , they are little angels , little extensions of ourselves , the reason we go to bed at night and wake up invigorated in the morning . They make us whole , they make us laugh , and they are so manipulative . They can make a day bright , they can also make a day very very dark !                                                         Then they start growing , and they then decide that they created the world and it was created for them alone . Look mom , I know what I'm doing , everythings gonna be fine TRUST ME ! Hello , TRUST ME ? Please , you are the last person who's gonna be trusted , you seem to forget we are your parents we know you . We...

Letting go is never easy !

                                                       Sometimes in life you try your best and you find out no matter how much you try your best multiplied by one hundred will never be enough ! So , the thing or person you are trying to understand is either not worth the effort or has no concept of your concern and will never appreciate it . Fact ! So you face the dilemma , am I going to waste my time with this , or should I just let go ? Letting go is not very easy , it takes courage , and a love of oneself is so very hard to do when everyone else is pulling you asunder .

Isn't it just Amazing ?

                                                                 Isn't it just amazing , that when you haven't heard or seen someone you crossed paths with in another life , suddenly out of nowhere takes time to re-connect  ? Someone who , though mad as a hatter always seemed as high as a kite without the effect of narcotics . Someone who , you had all the time in the world for , even though at times they were it seemed on a collision course . Who through no fault of their own , managed to open up a part of you and made you be concerned for them , in a paternal way . You can't even explain why you have a connection to them , but all you know is , is that it exists . You don't question your motives or theirs , because that is the way it should be ! I am just happy that person is also happy , and on a new path in their li...