
Introducing You to The Sense ! 1st Published 2016

                                                                     He never realised how powerful he actually was . He never truly understood the effect he had on so many many people . But such was his modesty  and his total inability to see the bad in others . Which made him so imperfect , and would always make him an easy touch . Someone who would so easily be let down by the actions of others , and was and will continue to be . He will never change his approach to life , and will never answer to anybody other than himself . He is to be envied , he is to be respected , and most of all he is to be admired .                                                                     That sort of an introduction and its description , would certainly make his hair stand on end . If he only knew when and why he was being spoken of  . So rather than embarrass him by divulging his name to all and sundry , lets call him The Sense . .                                                              

We Should Look Inwardly ! 1st Published 2016 !

                                                                         People throughout the world are still reeling from what happened in Nice recently . It begs belief how someone or some group can try and justify those type of actions in the name of whatever they happen to be believing in or whatever group they represent .                                                                          You go out one evening in Nice where they were celebrating Bastille Day along with your friends and family , never to return . You stand and cheer just like everybody else at all of the festivities , and think to yourself what a lovely way to spend an evening . Then out of nowhere you see this huge truck careering down the street going from side to side hitting men women and children indiscriminately , and you know at that moment , this is it .                                                                          How or why this has happened is irrelevant . The fact of the matter is t

I Am Simply Passing Through ! (1st published 2016)

                                                                    For good reason I have always been one to comment on things that happen around me . And as you might think sometimes my openness , and my opinions can and unfortunately do tend to rub people up the wrong way . Especially if they are of the opinion that everything put to them by someone either in authority , or someone they might respect with regard to their politics and views . Its just a way of saying opinions change , and opinions can separate unfortunately . They can do so much good , but they can also do so much damage . Talking , and sharing in conversations can be very rewarding , especially if you are in that frame of mind to either compromise , or just educate yourself and see things from a different perspective . Not always easy I need add , particularly if your opinion is very entrenched , and you are not one to show any form of acceptance qualities .                                                      

The Place Where Scripts are Unimportant ! 1st Published May 2015 !

                                                             From a personal stand point , I am finding it increasingly difficult to trust what's happening around us . Its getting more cumbersome to just pass your day in peaceful reflection . The more you try and relax the more your mind tells you to do something else and its not always that important . There must be a guilt button inside of us that tells us when we either start to slow down or try to chill a little that we should be doing something more productive .                                                             Like productive in whose opinion ? Like productive in what way ? These are the things we keep telling ourselves , and believe me its not very healthy . So ask yourselves this , how can we stop feeling guilty about doing things that we enjoy ? How can we fill our waking hours with less of the guilt , and more of the other ? Well I have devised this ritual whereby all ideas and thoughts of a negative nature ,

Believe me , Never Believe in Chance ! 1st Published April 2016

                                                                       Is there anybody out there ? Is there anybody listening who just might make some sort of difference ? Doesn't anybody care enough to say and do what needs to be said and done ? Sure why would they ? Aren't they all snug and comfy in their own little bubbles , looking out of their large ornamental windows ? Knowing that whatever little thing in their lives that may need to be confronted , will be confronted by a legion of people other than them who do have concerns , and who do want to make a difference .                                                                      There are millions of people out there who could make a difference , and who could change things for the better . But instead they are so absorbed in pretence and continuous insincere backslapping , that they actually believe that concerned individuals are nothing but trouble makers and thugs . They will not protest when protest is needed

Us Humans Couldn't Organise a Piss Up in a Brewery ! (1st Published June 2015)

                                   To Whom It May Concern ,                                                                                And so on the seventh day you rested , because all of your good work had been done . You had given us light , you had given us darkness , you had given us life and the will to live . You gave us brains and let us use them in whatever way you saw fit , and boy did we use them . You gave us the capacity to evolve into a super human species , capable of practically anything . You gave us a past , but more importantly you gave us a future . You let us see at first hand all the power of the universe in its magnificence , and also its mysteries . You also allowed for our imperfections , of which there were and still are too many to quantify . You then introduced us to yourself in all of your glory , and we bastardized you . We made pictures of you that ranged from a bearded man with sandals , to a sun blazing high in the sky . There was a catholic you ,

A Grazing Ground in Palestine ! First published 2016

                              Hi Mr. & Mrs. Jewish America . How are y'all doin today ? I hope the weather is fine for you and yours . I was wondering now that there is so much concern for your fellow Israeli Jews that you go on about so endlessly every single day , that I may have solved some of your problems in relation to the slaughter and wholesale attempt at the annihilation of the Palestinian people . I mean this is obviously your plan or am I being a little over the top  here ? Because I am of the understanding that Palestine is no longer under the control of the Palestinians . Would I be right in saying that ? Alright , now that we have that little question cleared up I can get on to the idea I have that would solve all of your land problems .                               I draw your attention to the poster on the left . Does it not make huge sense for the whole of Israel to re-locate to America where you are all loved so dearly by the Obama's , and the Rothsc