Introducing You to The Sense ! 1st Published 2016

                                                                     He never realised how powerful he actually was . He never truly understood the effect he had on so many many people . But such was his modesty  and his total inability to see the bad in others . Which made him so imperfect , and would always make him an easy touch . Someone who would so easily be let down by the actions of others , and was and will continue to be . He will never change his approach to life , and will never answer to anybody other than himself . He is to be envied , he is to be respected , and most of all he is to be admired .
                                                                    That sort of an introduction and its description , would certainly make his hair stand on end . If he only knew when and why he was being spoken of  . So rather than embarrass him by divulging his name to all and sundry , lets call him The Sense . .
                                                                    His deeds are widely known , and will forever be recorded in books and films , where memory of him will never be allowed to be extinguished .He in his wisdom has brought families together , where there was never a chance of success .He has given people messages and memories to talk about where silence was was their only friend . And never once did he betray them when their choices left a lot of things broken and battered . Never being one to criticize or doubt the possibilities of strangers , he will always remain true to his put upon sensible vocation .
                                                                   He will look you in the eye , and question your motives . You will feel his presence when there isn't any to see . He will fill you full of positive thoughts , left only to you for you to act upon . Because this is his true function , and I repeat his true vocation , that was given to him for your benefit , to be used in times of confusion , and times of doubt .
                                                                  Look upon him as your guardian angel of sorts , always watching out to make sure you make the correct decisions , and helping you the only way he knows how .There will be times when you will hate him for his positivity . There will be times when

you will love him for taking you out of a hole ,most probably a hole you dug for yourself in the first place . Nevertheless a hole .
                                                                 So when all around you seems dark and dismal , when all of your efforts seem destined to fail . When your heart cannot take the weight of your journey , so much so you just want to give up . Think of what has got you this far , and never despair the Sense . He is watching you , he is accompanying you , he is Hope !  


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