I Am Simply Passing Through ! (1st published 2016)

                                                                    For good reason I have always been one to comment on things that happen around me . And as you might think sometimes my openness , and my opinions can and unfortunately do tend to rub people up the wrong way . Especially if they are of the opinion that everything put to them by someone either in authority , or someone they might respect with regard to their politics and views . Its just a way of saying opinions change , and opinions can separate unfortunately . They can do so much good , but they can also do so much damage . Talking , and sharing in conversations can be very rewarding , especially if you are in that frame of mind to either compromise , or just educate yourself and see things from a different

perspective . Not always easy I need add , particularly if your opinion is very entrenched , and you are not one to show any form of acceptance qualities .
                                                                   With all of that said , its very important , to me anyway , that happenings and events have a true critical response from you me and everybody else .Its not good enough just to live your life in a routine of constant apathy . How does one feel fulfilled if their contribution to their mortal existence , is taken up with playing games to pass the time ? Or God forbid hanging out on social media all day . Yes I do it , but then I do it to share my feelings on these subjects . And yes if there weren't any people on social media , then my blogs would be pointless . Rendering me redundant . But they are , and so here I am annoying you once again with my witherings on human behaviour .
                                                                   Compliance is what we need to be worried about . Sounds such a nice word , such a very uncompromising little word . A word you would think not so very significant in the whole scheme of things , but alas there you would be wrong , so very wrong . Compliance is a damning word , it prevents progress , it instills a false sense of patriotism in people . It wastes opportunities of change , simply because you agree to everything . That's what compliance is about . Its another word for I Surrender , I give up my rights to object , and even more important I give up my rights to care . Because being compliant means you trust something or someone without even knowing what they are , or who they are . Its simply an admission of slavery to a system you've no knowledge of , but trust implicitly .
                                                                  I don't know about you , but living a life of acceptable boredom through compliance is not my idea of fun . Its certainly not my idea of a fruitful existence , void of expression , void of singularity , and certainly void of depth .
                                                                 Though these views are my own , prepared and never watered down . They seem to always point me in the direction of continuity . Its a habit I have formed , I have shaped , but it always reminds me simply , that this is no journey that has a final destination , for me I am Simply Passing Through !


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