
Why Is The Media Not Reporting about Standing Rock ?

                                                                     If having read my blog from yesterday , you will be surprised to know ,that having scoured all of the National newspaper front pages , I found ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that mentioned the events at Standing Rock North Dakota .                                                                     Its so very simple when you come to think of it , the global elite , own the media . They determine what you should read . You think you are free , when in fact we are all just slaves to the system .                                                                    I have found that the only thing that gives me any sort of feeling of freedom , is this little blog that I write from time to time . I cannot effect what goes on in the world physically , but if this little piece I write makes even one person question their freedom , well then I will have achieved more than I expected .                                                   

It's You America , It's You ! Be So Very Ashamed !

                                                                         Imagine a group of people who decided that they wanted to sit down and demonstrate about how big oil corporations were savaging their lands . Imagine if you will those same people sitting , smoking peace pipes , and issuing a declaration of non compliance , only to be accused of having pipe bombs as opposed to peace pipes . Well believe it or believe it not , these are the circumstances Native Americans are having to suffer in a place called Standing Rock , North Dakota . Once again big American corporations are pushing their collective weight around terrorizing The only True American's the world will ever know . Everyone and everything outside of the Native American culture are but Bastards , with nothing more than a Bastard political agenda , including the continued Genocide of these downtrodden indigenous people .                                                                         What started out as

Police snipers shoot 11-year-old at Dakota Pipeline protests


Put Simply , Who Gives a Shit ?

                                                                    When is it that you get to the stage where enough is really enough ? What is it that tells you that speaking freely is clearly not the way to go ? Put simply , because it sounds or appears too complicated , or some brains out there are so tired and needing of a complete intellectual overhaul , that sadly never comes . Is this the sign that people are waiting for ? Does an uncontrollable urge to bang someone's head of the wall give you the green light to stand up and take notice ? Well if the answer to all of these questions is yes , put simply , soldier on !                                                                     You've taken a vow of consideration , toward anything and everything that deserves it . You consider being available and helpful , as being one of your better traits . Now you know you have plenty of characteristics that don't necessarily enamor you to everybody , but hey I suppose we

World War Three , and trying to Remember !

                                                                           You know I was never one for being a conversationalist . In fact just having any sort of a conversation was always a task for me . Anyone that knows me will tell you if they phone the house I always inadvertently hand the phone to my wife . I will pick up the phone as you do , but I will always deliver it to herself . It can kinda annoy her at times . Especially if she is in the middle of doing something else like making a cake . I then just say to her , sure ninety nine times out of a hundred it's for you anyway . It doesn't always do the trick , but it's basically true .                                                                            So taking that into account , having the freedom to express oneself in words is not always someone's cup of tea . But in my case I find that the fact I can talk to myself , and write it down in words , can give me the freedom to express myself , even w

The Evil One Percent !

                                                                   He's an absolute buffoon . He even looks like a buffoon .He has absolutely no tact when it comes to the simple things in life like having a conversation with other people . He has earned the reputation of  being so insensitive to the religious beliefs of others . He believes in his country greatly , but always puts his foot in it when he tries to portray himself as the saviour of a nation .                                                                   He hasn't quite mastered the behaviour that is required , when addressing people of the opposite sex . He , by his actions and statements has actually been downright rude , not only to women but also to so many minority groups he has had to negotiate with on a day to day basis .I don't think there is any mystery in who I am talking about . In fact I think I have described the locker room bandit that is Donald Trump fairly accurately .                    

