
Believe me , Never Believe in Chance ! 1st Published April 2016

                                                                       Is there anybody out there ? Is there anybody listening who just might make some sort of difference ? Doesn't anybody care enough to say and do what needs to be said and done ? Sure why would they ? Aren't they all snug and comfy in their own little bubbles , looking out of their large ornamental windows ? Knowing that whatever little thing in their lives that may need to be confronted , will be confronted by a legion of people other than them who do have concerns , and who do want to make a difference .                                                                     ...

Us Humans Couldn't Organise a Piss Up in a Brewery ! (1st Published June 2015)

                                   To Whom It May Concern ,                                                                                And so on the seventh day you rested , because all of your good work had been done . You had given us light , you had given us darkness , you had given us life and the will to live . You gave us brains and let us use them in whatever way you saw fit , and boy did we use them . You gave us the capacity to evolve into a super human species , capable of practically anything . You gave us a past , but more importantly you gave us a future . You let us see at first hand all the power of the universe in its magnificence , and also its mysteries . You also allowed for ou...

A Grazing Ground in Palestine ! First published 2016

                              Hi Mr. & Mrs. Jewish America . How are y'all doin today ? I hope the weather is fine for you and yours . I was wondering now that there is so much concern for your fellow Israeli Jews that you go on about so endlessly every single day , that I may have solved some of your problems in relation to the slaughter and wholesale attempt at the annihilation of the Palestinian people . I mean this is obviously your plan or am I being a little over the top  here ? Because I am of the understanding that Palestine is no longer under the control of the Palestinians . Would I be right in saying that ? Alright , now that we have that little question cleared up I can get on to the idea I have that would solve all of your land problems .                               I draw your attention to the poster on the le...

An Imaginary Hole (And It's Dangers !)

                                                                       True Story !                                                                 This Morning , Having been at a wild Thunderous Party the night before , which involved couples arguing among a Slew of neighbours , something rather dangerous and crazy happened !                                                                  My wife Catherine & I left the party , and all of the drama that was unfolding , Unnoticed I ...

And Obviously You Weren't It !("1st Published June 2015")

                                                        Dear sir , I read your book , and I found it both astounding and enlightening . It was filled with all the things I expected , and an awful lot more . You surprised me at how eloquent you were with words , as your deeds and actions would give the reader the impression of someone who was definitely sociopathic , anti social , but always true to his own country .                                                        You were a very intelligent man , and someone people could certainly aspire to . You always had your countrymen and women furthermost in your heart and your thoughts . You would do anything in the pursuit of a social recovery your country defin...

Yin-Yang and its Depth of Purity !

                              Where you find Light you must also find Darkness. And Inevitably where you find The Positive you will also find The Negative . In everything we do there's a yin and yang effect . Unrelated but Totally Connected .                                 To the living and the dead . What gives /gave you the right to try and push your opinions down somebody else's throat ? What is it that made you want to interfere in the evolution of someone too pure for you to comprehend ? Is it the fact that your lives have been so empty , that you have to fill others with your naked envy and bitterness ? Is the brightness of the sun in the morning too clean for you to understand , that you have to fill us all with your thunderous black clouds that haunt everyone's existence ? Have the colours on the flowers become too beau...

Past , Present , & Future !

                                                 Its a miserably cold and wintery afternoon here in Ireland , so miserable in fact I've decided to do a blog . But finding a theme now there lies the difficulty ! So lets potter on and see if we can find something inside my forgetful head that's worth talking about alright ?                                                  Have you ever found that wishing and hoping takes up a lot of your day ? Its not that it's a way of ignoring or not facing reality , its just a way of wondering what's in store for us . You'd like in some instances to be able to peek into the future , and then thinking about that possibility and the damage you could cause well maybe its a risk that's just too risky to take ....