Having been sprouting about & defending Palestine for many years now , and wanting Anyone & Everyone to wake up to the Slaughter of Innocents that's happening there , I feel it necessary to call the Zionist / Israeli Bluff ! It's no longer just a war of oppression , It's the Genocide & Eradication of an entire race of people !
The massive world protests that are happening in every capital on the planet are simply not enough ! Watching the systematic Slaughter of babies day in and day out is Too Much to Tolerate . These Zionists are Savages ! They are of the same Ilk that entered Poland in 1939 ! These Zionists are your modern day Nazi's , and what's worse is that America and its allies support it too , including Europe .
Enter into the debate a certain Israeli Heritage minister by the name of Amichai Eliyahu , a very close friend of Benjamin Netinyahu , who has just advocated the dropping of an Atomic bomb on Gaza ! These people are the Occupiers of Palestine ! These Zionists are the last word in Palestinian Annihilation ! Simply Put THEY MUST BE STOPPED !
The world who want peace and the ending of this Genocide , Should DECLARE WAR ON ISRAEL ! This should not be allowed to happen , but it is being allowed to happen under Our Very Collective noses . If we cannot Defend the Defenceless , then We as a Body of People DON;T DESERVE TO EXIST ! Period !
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