For allowing it , We Are All Culpable !

                                                                               I was speaking to a friend recently , ( yes I have some ) , in relation to where he happens to be working . Now this person is the most inoffensive and non threatening person I know . He just tends to go to work , comes home and leads a private sort of existence . Am explaining this to give you a brief description of him . 

                                                                               But recently a supervisor where he works , has been bullying him ! So because it becoming stressful for him , he pulled me aside and asked my advice . How do I deal with this ? Should I resign ? Yes that would be easier , I will resign ! 

                                                                               I told him I will give this advice once and once only , and it Must be acted upon ! I told him , when this bully decides to intimidate you , call him out . In front of the rest of your colleagues challenge him and demand in no uncertain terms why he chooses to bully you . Reminding him that he has already been reported for bullying , and I need add to no avail . 

                                                                               There comes a time in your life , when Enough is Enough ! When confrontation with the aggressor is the only way . You as an individual weren't born to be bullied , intimidated or pushed around ! This is the time to free yourself of your tormentors . Once you inform the world of this persons behaviour , he/she Will back down . Faced with this revelation , the bully will be forced to withdraw !

                                                                                This being a tale that has been acted out consistently in every workplace , in every school , in every generation that has ever brought people together is a too familiar one . It's demeaning , it threatens people's lives and health , both physical and mental . 

                                                                                 This cautionary tale is not just reserved for the classroom or the workplace ! Look at The Bullying Zionists of this world ! Examine what they are doing to the Palestinians ! Is this not just another example of the Big Kid bullying the disadvantaged ? Is this form of Bullying and Savagery of Innocents Acceptable in this day and age ? I Think NOT ! 

                                                                                  I will repeat what I have said in an earlier blog , If this slaughter and Genocide is acceptable to the Watching World , then What does that make us ? Simply put it Makes us All Culpable . The Bully needs to be Taught a Lesson ! One he will Never Forget ! 

                                                                                  As an ardent advocate of Freedom , of the Non Persecution of Innocents I will say again NONE OF US DESERVES OUR FREEDOM IF THIS SAVAGERY IS TOLERATED !

                                                                   FREE PALESTINE ! 


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