
Showing posts from August, 2023

The Bishops of Business !

                                                                      I just had this epiphany , what if all the things we thought were normal , were in fact someone elses version of normal ? Imagine being fed everything you have always accepted as the way things should be , were in fact fed to you and your ancestors to distract you from the real truth .                                                                      Firstly you have to understand that human nature is by tradition and practice a selfish nature . It is based solely on a capitalist system , that tells you to conform , to bow down to that same system that has been built to...

Something Smells Decidedly Dodgy !

                                                                               If it looks dodgy don't eat it ! And if it Smells dodgy give it the widest berth humanly possible . Now the word dodgy can apply to almost anything when describing something . But the one thing that you know for certain when the word dodgy is used , is that it is always a negative . It's something to be wary of . Avoided at all costs even . And the feeling of dodginess doesn't need explanation , doesn't need understanding , just a personal sense deep down that one should always proceed with caution .                                                              ...

Think of Me as I think of You !

                                                                        This morning I got up early , 7.30 a.m early . I had to get my wife to the airport so she could connect with her flight to London . I suppose you are all saying to yourselves "Early , 7.30 is not early . Now 6 a.m is Early . But what you have to consider is what might be agreeably early to you , may not and most probably won't be agreeably early to us . Its all a matter of what stage of your lives you may be at . And thankfully I am here , and you are over there . You see as long as I could remember , I always used to say to myself , if given the opportunity to walk away from work and the early mornings that it used to entail , I promised myself and my wife that that is exactly what I would do , given the right set of circumstances...

Zionism and its Supporters , A Cancer That Needs Extracting !

When you see countries committing indefensible acts on their fellow human beings , something must be said . Not just in objection to those acts , but to remind everyone exactly how evil a position can be taken by supposed civilized societies . Take the Jews for instance , because they suffered at the hands of the Nazi's , the world welcomed the survivors and leaders with open arms , saying this will never happen again . This statement in itself was to be commended and lauded by anyone with a hint of decency . The Germans had done to them things that should never be spoken off . But lest we forget , this is an example of how one society can turn on another at the drop of a hat . Now lets start thinking hypothetically , take your own country wherever you may be , lets just take the Good Old U.S.of A for example , and for the sake of argument you don't happen to be a world power with nuclear weapons and such .There you are minding your own business , and the United Nations ...

She Could Just Fly Off The Handle !

                                                     I got my hair cut today . Always a pleasant experience . The thing is , having sat myself down in the barbers chair , from the time it takes him to start cutting and then to maybe him giving my hair a new style with a lot of fringe   to ask me " Is That Alright ?", well that time is getting considerably shorter and shorter . Now either one of two things is happening without my knowledge , either he has increased the speed when cutting my locks , OR , as may be the case , the canvas on which he has worked has got considerably smaller .                                                    Maybe I just worry too much , and that is having some sort of negative effect on m...