
Showing posts from July, 2016

What's In It For Me ?

                                                                         How do you want to be remembered ? Do you want to be remembered as the parent who always felt that nothing was too good for your children ? Do you want to be remembered as the drive and the one who made things work and easy to understand ? When it wasn't very modern or , when it wasn't very fashionable , were you the one who pushed that pram and cleaned those nappies ? Throw all of these things together and you get a collage of what you have created and what you have achieved , probably without any credit , simply because it has always been expected of you .                                                   ...

Simplicity is a Choice ! How do you Choose ?

                                                                   Why when it comes to decisions in peoples lives , do they more often than not choose the more expensive , more complicated , and most stressful decisions ? Why is it that when they apply certain rules and guides to their relationships , they inadvertently work themselves into a corner that is sometimes near impossible to get out of ? They lay down laws and conditions , that are practically impossible to adhere to , and find themselves over complicating matters so much so that they each are practically scared to death to think outside of the box they have created .                                                       ...

Trying To Repair The Impossible !

                         Sometimes family remind you of who you actually are , and not who you would like to be . And unfortunately if you are a one of those people who would rather not be who you actually are , it is going to be a long long time for you trying to change any of that .                                                                         In every family you have a selection of multiple and quite opposite personalities . And just because you are related doesn't mean that you have anything in common . The age difference can be a cause for this to happen , but most of the time its simply down to simple things like people not having time for one another .                     ...

We Always Need Someone To Blame , Don't We ?

                                                                          Its hard to believe how far someone would go in their pursuit of being accepted . Its even harder to believe how desperate people can get when faced with depression or tragedy . These are subjects that are so sensitive and so all consuming that when tragedy strikes , its like some desperate prediction you always expected , but would never dream of speaking about . You just don't talk about these things do you ? You just don't confide in a family member or friend , unless of course you see them as being in some way understanding of such a hard road taken .                                                   ...

Pissing Against The Wind !

                                                                          Whether its the act of abstinence , or need to be heard , I have found it difficult to write anything that is worth reading . Its not that I don't have enough subjects to comment on . It's more a question of am I really interested enough , to care . From previous blogs , you probably would disagree . Especially when I have aired my views passionately and without remorse or apology . I always felt there was an audience who were like minded and cared as strongly as I did about things . But wanting to effect a change in people's views , is firstly hard to achieve . And secondly can drain your passion when that change seems never closer , and then you feel as if you are pissing against the wind . Brian and his mate Denis  ...

All Possibilities Considered !

                                                                       Have you ever noticed how strange people can be ? Not everyone I need add , but there's a kinda new phenomenon doing the rounds and I am at my wits end just trying to work it all out . Or maybe it's just me , and maybe I am just noticing something that has always been around . It's really beginning to annoy me now , and the people who are doing this seem to be completely oblivious to the fact that they are doing it .                                                                        Have you noticed when you are trying your best to just relax and have a bit ...

The Chains of Expectation !

                                            Our enlightened system of gifted educators  tell you that you should get yourself educated as much as you can , and work as hard as you can , and when you have done all of these things you will be an exemplary example of how a young man/ woman should be . This is the 21st Century doctrine that we have all been subject to at some stage or another . It's a system of ideals that supposedly point you in the right direction . Well that's what they say the intention is . But somehow , somewhere along the line , you tend to feel cheated . You tend to feel someone was taking the piss all along . Because the majority of the time , most of what you had planned for yourself just kinda disappears into thin air .                                     ...