
Its Quite Amazing !

                                                                          Its going to be difficult to say goodbye to the summer , its such a lively season . Autumn is the dying season , when all your efforts over the previous three months are slowly beginning to fade . Then winter , the dead and cold Season , everything sleeps during this period , its hard to believe anything good will happen as a result . But then Spring raises its beautiful head , and we nurture all the babies in our garden , we make sure no frost hurts their beautiful progress , its quite amazing !

Understanding my Limitations !

                                                              My wife says I don't listen , I do listen its just sometimes it goes over my head ! Never intentional , I always give her my undivided attention , its just how it is you know ? Its so easy when you're married to the most wonderful woman in the world , she'll be so embarrassed when she reads this !                                                              Never one to hide from the things that matter , never one to not give the support I need from time to time , and always understanding of my limitations . She's pretty ok my wife !

Note to Oneself !

                                                                 Good Wednesday to all ! Isn't it just amazing to be alive ? The tablets are working fine today , touch wood there's a long way to go ! You just do your best and well lets just say thats how to handle everything .Note to oneself , stop writing shit and get on with it .

Once so Cosmopolitan !

                                                                  Some friends of mine have just returned from Istanbul on holiday . Having been there many times before they would be in a good position to notice changes in lifestyle mannerisms , and general appearance . What they told me surprised me , seemingly the amount of women wearing Burka's has increased dramatically . With the influx of Syrian refugees it makes things that much more dramatic . A place once so cosmopolitan , is quickly changing into something quite frightening . So much so , these friends of mine have vowed to give Istanbul a miss in the future . I was actually planning to go there for my 40th wedding anniversary with these friends , but on very good advice I think we will just have to change our plans !

No Omissions , No Additions !

                                                            While on holiday , my wife & I  as usual went to our watering hole at the end of an evening . Innocent you may think , and as far as I was concerned thats what I expected , a couple of brandies and then on your way .                                                             We were speaking to an English  friend we had met years ago and thought we had a fair understanding of his personality . Not so !                                                             Another ...

Advertising Leeches !

                                                         Ever wondered where all your spam advertising comes from ? Well it comes from companies who infiltrate your accounts on line , and send you advertising to whom they represent . These are designed to read your activity and send you appropriate / inappropriate messages and advertising . Is there a way to control them I hear you ask ? Well in fact there is a way !                                                          Google opt-out in your browser , and you will see a company named N.A.I. National Advertising Initiative , Follow the instructions and you will see how many companies are studying your on line behaviour .  You will be very surp...

Mischief or Malice ?

                                                               Just had a minute to spare and thought I might share it with you . We have become so intimate lately , I feel I am opening up to an imaginary audience .  You are so thick skinned , I never thought that we could become so close , and yet here I am and there you are ! You surprise me at times , when I delve into my innermost thoughts , you are there listening , never judging and always comfortable with whatever mischief or malice I may dream up . Thank you , you are an extraordinary pupil , can I call you a pupil ? I just hope that in some way my attraction to you is not misplaced , for there may come a day when I may dissolve our arrangement , through no fault of my own as I see it , this is just the way it has to be ! I truly hope you understand !