America's Future , You DON'T Have One !

                                                                      Why do we continuously leave our lives and their outcome , in the hands of Incompetents ? Why do we continuously have to depend on people who have absolutely no understanding or intelligence when it comes to the underprivileged and minority groups in our society ? We keep going round in circles never ever attaining any semblance of order in our day to day lives ? If I wasn't such a skeptic , I'd feel I was being played in some global game of Oppress and Crush the Spirit . But because I am that skeptic , it feels like our lives are being drained away to fulfill some Cosmic Plan designed by the unnamed ,by the unknown , for their own selfish and distorted motives .
                                                                      The World is Broke ! The World needs Fixing ! The World needs compassionate people to be in charge ! It needs competent , non self serving true & honest individuals who can lift us all above the the huge Cloud of anticipated Black Holes Gathering . And if you feel you are not close to one of these black holes , think again , because if the Shit is not hitting your fan at the moment , how long do you think it'll be before that same shit explodes in yours ?
                                                                       Just take one case in point , America , the home of the brave and all that Bollox ! A racial  melting pot primed to explode . Primed perfectly for Revolution . Primed perfectly for unheard of previously , Social Upheaval . Don't say you didn't see it coming ! Don't say you were totally unprepared for what is about to be unleashed in your society . With your Racist President & Government , the perfect platform has been created for the mother of all revolutions .
                                                                       Where previously it was simply North & South , it has now seeped out of your states and across the seas , expanding minute by minute , country by country who despise everything your country signifies and stands for .
                                                                       Black lives Matter ! Asian Lives Matter ! Eastern Lives Matter ! The Whole Fucking World matters ! Something you in America find hard to grasp .
                                                                       Too many lives have been lost , in the name of Corrupt Incompetent assholes with a Cowboy Sheriff mentality . Your history says it all . A mish mash of Europeans slaughtered the Native Americans , the only true American . You then delved into Black Slavery and the rest is history .
                                                                        You now deny these same Black People their rights under your so FLAWED constitution , and are now surprised by their collective reaction to the sadistic and unfair treatment meted out by Thugs ! Savages !  And Fools !
                                                                        The World and its Numbers have said Enough is Enough . They DO NOT support you . They DO NOT EVEN LIKE YOU !
                                                                        I fear for your future America , because it appears YOU DON'T HAVE ONE !

                                                           Love & Peace as Always xx



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