The Solitude of Silence !

                                                              Sometimes , there's this overwhelming silence that goes round in my head . It's so powerful at times it can be truly deafening . Where it comes from is anybody's guess . I have just learned to handle it's effect if any , and deal with it accordingly .
                                                              You see having conversations with yourself , I suppose can do this to you . And then there comes the silence . That truly deafening hole that spreads bigger and bigger the more you either try to escape it , or worse still , confront it .
                                                              What do you say to something that is all powerful , all knowing , and never considers your feelings ? How do you approach something that is not to be understood physically , or even understood mentally ? Its the ultimate question I have to ask myself . Do I take its importance seriously , or do I simply ignore it ? You see by taking it seriously , I am admitting to myself of it's probable existence . And by ignoring it , at some stage it may just pop it's ugly head up to remind me that it is not to be trifled with .
                                                             It can be so maddening when , having accepted how the day would probably unfold , that it has the energy and the ability to just put spanner after spanner in your inner workings . You planned the day , only to be fooled by that deafening quiet that has to be reckoned with . It can speak to you in waves , when no words are necessary .It can alter your mindset , when you think you are in control . It can be one devious bastard at times , when all you can hear is the silent deafening laughter , screaming from your insides , like some vengeful demon trying to escape its captivity . You think about it , and all you can sense is the solitude of silence .
                                                            You ought to make friends with it I hear myself say . Whatever you do don't make it your enemy , I say in reply .
                                                            So what is it to be , acceptable silence ? Or unacceptable compromise ?                                                THE MUSIC IS NOT IN THE NOTES , BUT IN THE SPACES IN BETWEEN ! ( MOZART )           


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