
Showing posts from October, 2017

Making Simplicity Appear Stupidly Difficult !

                                                                          Its kinda strange to imagine how someone might misunderstand or fail to know how my mind functions . Unless of course you didn't know me in any way in the first place . Then I would maybe understand some misgivings that people might have . Having said that , knowing me you will also know that when it comes to my blogging and such , I do try my best to be as honest as I can possibly be , unless of course you're in the habit of doing my head in . So having laid down that little bit of useless information , it brings me to my reason for this blog ( I can hear you say just get on with it ) , Alright , alright don't be so bloody impatient ! Anyways !                         ...

Strange Don't You Think ?

                                                                      Stephen Paddock , doesn't sound like a threatening name ! In his sixties , wouldn't have appeared to have been somewhat of a danger to his fellow man or woman . And yet , and yet he is now charged with being the killer of at least 59 people and hundreds of more injured during his display of hatred for everybody in Las Vegas Nevada .                                                                       A country & western concert attended by over twenty thousand people was sure to get everybody singing and dancing . But sudden gunfire from an AUTOMATIC rifle which was a...

D is for DIS !

                                                                       I am dissatisfied ! I am disenchanted . I am definitely displeased ! I am extremely disillusioned ! But mostly I am disheartened !                                                                       Such a lot of dis's to open a blog with . Sure look around you , how is it not possible to feel all of these things and not feel some sort of dis .                                                                ...