
Do Yourself a Favour !

                                                        A while back my son & daughter in law bought me a present for my birthday , it was a chromecast hd  dongle . At first it had so many limitations and there really weren't that many apps that were chromecast friendly . You could cast you-tube easily and a lot of the other music channels as well , but ultimately its relevance and usefulness was very limited .                                                        Enter xbmcast , a clever little app you can get from xbmc/kodi                                              Apps to be inst...

Life's Little Macaroons !

                                                        So here we are 29th January and I expect all those new year resolutions have made their way effortlessly out the window . Not that I'm a pessimist , no in fact I would say realist is how I'd best describe myself . I understand with all the best of intentions , resolutions were sworn upon , they were how your lives were gonna change for the best in 2015 . What we never factor in though is the pleasure factor . This is the one thing that can destroy the best of intentions .                                                         Indulgence can be enjoyable if a little control is exercised , and things can remain the same without getting out of control . But ...

Fence Watching Can Be Very Unhealthy !

                                                             Do anyone know what the real scourge of our society is ? Has anyone got any idea what has us in such a mess ? Which begs the question does anyone really care ? These are the questions we should be asking ourselves day in and day out . Because wishing and hoping is just not doin it for us right now .                                                              Apathy is the scourge of the masses , and acceptance goes along with it as being a so dangerous position . Having been one never to accept things on face value , it has always been my view that we should all question everything . And as a result I have passed on this...

To Find The Truth , You Have to Dig a Little !

                                                          Today I watched the movie American Sniper with Bradley Cooper , and as a war movie it was quite good ! Now let me explain that before I watched the movie I was made very aware of the criticism the movie got and how historically inaccurate it may have been . I was also aware of certain things that Chris Kyle is supposed to have written in his book about his Iraq experiences . The truth of the matter is really quite simple , he was a soldier !                                                           On a personal level war is abhorrent to me , evil will never be defeated with evil .  And no matter what side you're on , and who you believe w...

Truth an Absolute !

                                                            It was with great interest that I read today an article from WikiLeaks informing us that 59 International Organisations have called upon the U.N to remedy human rights violations in the pre-charge holding of WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange .                                                             This coming June Julian Assange will have been a political prisoner who is basically condemned to house arrest without ever having been charged , and having his right to due process being blocked form every angle .                                   ...

Apple Valley Murder/ Suicide ?

                                                          Hi , I just posted and blogged earlier , a blog called " Gray State " The Rise by David Crowley . It needs to be seen , it needs to be understood !                                                           This man David Crowley plus his wife Komel and their five year old daughter Rani were found dead of supposed gunshot wounds that was described as a supposed murder suicide at the family's home .                                                          He was having great difficulty in getting promis...

Gray State. The Rise By David Crowley
