
Showing posts from October, 2023


                                                                    This is one of those times where you feel you have to say something , you know ? Where you feel that someone or some group of people are being totally misrepresented by all and Sundry . Though to be honest it's not very surprising when you consider who are behind it .                                                                      All news is is controlled by big media corporations , for their benefit and for the benefit of all who support them . Which brings me along to the purpose of this piece .                       ...

I am Anti Jewish Stealing of Palestinian Land !

                                                                          Don't you hate having to repeat yourself , and just because people are too stupid to pick up on what happens to be the truth ? These people pretend to know what the truth is , because its their version of the truth . And their version of the truth may not be yours . So with that in mind I have a little story to tell . And from the outset I want to declare that I am not Anti semitic , never have been never will be . But as always with regard to the same , I do have my limitations , and I dare anyone who wants to test them out  . Anyway..........................                                                 ...